发布日期:2018-07-06 阅读:424

报告主题:Debt Issues around Mergers &Acquisitions

报告人:Song Wang,Departmentof Finance Saint Xavier University

Chicago,IL 60655

主持人:谢诗蕾 博士(院长助理)




We investigate a firm’s debt financing choice among bankloans, public debt and non-bank private debt before their merger andacquisition (M&A) investment. We find that firms with above-target leveragetend to pursue public debt financing in lieu of bank debt. We argue these firmsare doing so either to circumvent the hold-up problems associated with bankdebt, or to avoid bank monitoring. The former will enhance shareholder wealthwhile the latter destroy shareholder value. We find the three-day mergeannouncement CARs for highly levered firms are positively associated with bankfinancing and negatively associated with non-bank financing. This supports themonitoring avoidance argument. As a falsification test, we do not find the samedebt financing considerations for the same firms during thepost-M&A period.  
